Mahindra Xylo was launched by Mahindra & Mahindra today. It certainly seems the era of Sedan is ending with the launch of the stylish and feature packed of what we are calling an essentially a ‘Sedan Plus’.
The price range of it seems to start with 6.25 lakhs with real power steering, HVAC and Central Locking, Transponder based immobize and most of it all it comes in 10 different shades.A feast to the eyes for definite!
Mahindra launches the XYLO - A stylish, feature packed ‘Sedan Plus’ vehicle starting at an unbeatable price of Rs. 6,24,500 loaded with HVAC, Power Steering, Power Windows, Central Locking and transponder-based immobilizer in 4 variants E2, E4, E6 & E8 and 10 different shades.
Visit the Mahindra Xylo official website for full Xylo specifications, Xylo features, Model details and 360° view.
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