Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Thiruvananthapuram invites online application for 4 year B.Tech courses in Avionics, Aerospace and Physical Sciences. Candidates placed in the regular and extended merit list of IIT-JEE 2009 are eligible to register their names online during the period 4th June to 26th June 2009.
Based on the online registration and in the order of merit, a combined list of students from the Regular Merit List and Extended List will be generated. Those who have opted for any programme in any of the IITs or the affiliated institutions like IT BHU Varanasi, ISMU Dhanbad, etc will not be included in the IIST Merit List.
Extant Reservation Policy of the Govt. as applicable to Instistutions of Higher Learning will be followed. Allocation of seats will be based on Personal Counselling to be held on 20th & 21st July 2009 at Thiruvananthapuram.