Sunday, December 14, 2008
Dragon millipede photo
Just out of something unrelated to what we have been usually seeing on this website. Thought that I would be able to share this with my very loyal visitors :-)
PHOTO! Now enjoy a picture of the Dragon Millipede!
The Dragon Millipede is perhaps the most stunning of the 1,000 species revealed by the World Wide Fund found in Greater Mekong.
The Dragon Millipede is among the countless creatures announced by the
World Wildlife Fund, all from Mekong the last ten years.
The dragon millipede might look cute, but don’t let those looks fool you.
The dragon emits the compound cyanide.
The area in South East Asian also produces the rediscovery of a black and brown striped rabbit, the nesolagus timminsi.
In total, the WWF effort reportedly produced the discovery of two species every week for ten years. Says one team member, “It is a great feeling being in an unexplored area and to document its biodiversity for the first time both enigmatic and beautiful.”
For the rest of the discoveries today: Check out the WWF fund site.
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